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Event Date 2020-01-23 ~ 2020-12-31
Time -
Venue Seoul
Registration period Until February 12th, 2020 (Wed.)
Announcement of selected participants 2020-02-17
Number of participants 60 foreign national

 Hello World Korea 

Become a Foreign Instructor 

For Global Citizenship Educations


 ***What is Global Citizenship Education (GCE)?***




GCE is aimed at cultivating world citizens who practice principles of tolerance, peacekeeping, and appreciation

for cultural diversity. 

지구촌의 한 사람으로서 전 세계의 평화, 문화 다양성 등을 이해하고 실천하는 시민을 양성하는 교육입니다.



How did it start? Why do we need a GCE? 

To find the answers to these and other questions, check out the video below! 

세계시민교육은 어디서부터 시작했을까요? 왜 필요할까요? 

위 질문의 답변이 궁금하다면 아래의 영상을  확인하세요! 


This year Funday Korea Networks together with Uncle John's Garage launched the "Hello World Korea" program.
올해 펀데이코리아네트웍스는 존아저씨의 차고와  'Hello World Korea' 프로젝트를 시작했습니다. 
We gathered 60 foreign nationals from more than 40 countries to promote their culture
and show the diversity of the world to Korean elementary and middle school students. 
 한국 학생들한테 세계의 문화 다양성을 알려주기 위하여 40개국의 60명의 외국인 강사를 모집했습니다.
Unfortunately, due to the CoVID-19 outbreak, all schools got closed or switched to online education that made it difficult
to proceed with this program. 
아쉽게도 코로나바이러스감염증-19 확산으로 오프라인 프로그램이 연기되었지만
But we didn't give up and still trying our best to let people know about more counties and cultures. 
다른 방법을 통해 다양한 나라의 문화를 알려줄 수 있는 방법을 찾고 있습니다. 
And while we are preparing the new content for you,
you can watch the video of one of our teachers. And who knows maybe you might learn something new^^
프로그램을 준비하는 동안 러시아에서 오신 세계시민교육 강사님의 영상을 확인하세요!


Stay tuned:)


Representative: Ha Yeong Tae 6th floor, 115, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Email: info@fundaykorea.com
Copyright © FUNDAY KOREA NETWORKS – 펀데이코리아네트웍스 All rights reserved.
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